


Our Sparrows Gate Mission goal is that homeless children and single destitute moms and their kids in Mexico, Belize, Amazon and the Philippines, come to know, love and serve Jesus.James 1:27 says that true religion is caring for orphans and widows and we have done our best to love and care for them with schools, orphanages and homes for single destitute moms and their children for more than 3 decades.The words of Psalm 67:2 are a constant reminder of our passionate plea. “Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind.”

“Most people think that the poorest child is the one without food, shelter, clothing or limbs; but the poorest child is the one without hope, without love.Knowing that a destitute, unloved child is waiting for someone to share the love of Jesus is reason enough for us to GO to the regions beyond.”

Salem, Oregon

Chris Davis is Executive Administrator of Sparrows Gate. His years of business experience as a district manager of a Procter and Gamble subsidiary is a great benefit to Sparrows Gate. Over the years he has brought many youth groups to Sparrows Gate in Mexico to help with ministry, projects and building efforts and provides monthly financial support. Mission founder Dean Tinney, consults with Mr. Davis on many issues related to operations and funding in Mexico, Belize and Philippines.

“For many years now I have been bringing youth groups from Salem, Oregon to serve the poor children of Baja at Sparrows Gate Mission’s children’s home and schools. We go to give but always come back with more than we gave. The verse, ‘Give and it shall be given unto you,’ comes to mind. Our young people agree. Giving our time and talent and even a cup of cold water to the poor children is rewarding beyond belief.”


Ray Chinn began to work on Sparrows Gate Mission vehicles in Tijuana in 1987. He never charged for his expert mechanical labor. He often worked in the cold and rain (with no garage) till dawn and then would return to his home in San Diego.
Ray was rock band promoter and entrepreneur far from God but one day met Jesus. He and his wife Mary are prayer warriors, devoted volunteers helping with a mission aimed at feeding the poor in Mexico and keeping their vehicles and Sparrows Gate Mission vehicles running at his own expense.
He and wife Mary are a big blessing with keen mission advice and friends that help advance kingdom purposes.


Gary Stephen Dolberry

Gary Stephen Dolberry, ABS, BA, M.Min, D.Min, is a native Texan currently residing in Arizona.  He is a former pastor, Christian educator and correctional chaplain.  He is also the proud father of 3, 2 girls and a boy. All 3 serve their local churches in some capacity. He has 3 adorable grandchildren, a beautiful young lady and 2 rowdy boys. He is a strong and vocal advocate for Men’s Ministry in the churches, and a loyal and committed supporter of Sparrow’s Gate Mission. Despite the trials of life, of which there are many…“But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24